Caregiver Humor
You might be a caregiver if:
- Your new hobby is
canceling credit cards, writing letters to collection agencies
and canceling numerous magazine subscriptions.
- You spend 1/3 of vacation
time backtracking as you look for eyeglasses, purse, hat, gloves
and sweaters.
- You place most of
the bills in a folder labeled, "I will think about this
- Going out to eat is
a Big Mac or a Whooper.
- Your hands are missing
fingers because she regularly "bites the hand that feeds
- An outing consists
of going to get the mail.
- You lobby your Congressional
Rep. to have more hours added to the clock.
- Taking care of yourself
- Coffee, cola, and
aspirin are food groups.
- You never sort your
loved ones socks because they seem to like to wear them mismatched.
- Your loved one's wardrobe
consists of sweats, a bathrobe, and socks, and for informal wear....
- Your lawn has been
declared a wildlife refuge.
- The pattern on the
hood of your car is actually 2 year old cat paw prints.
- Your house has more
cobwebs than a 1950's 'B' horror movie.
- Your friends know
to call you six months in advance before they visit to give you
time to clean up.
- At the mention of
Social Security, you snarl, foam at the mouth and wish you had
purchased that AK-47 when you could have afforded it.
- Someone mentions neurologists,
and you snarl, foam at the mouth and wish you had purchased that
- Fast food means shoveling
in leftover tuna noodle surprise by the cold light of the fridge
after the chores are done well past 10pm.
- When someone mentions
TBI, by the time you've finished speaking they mistake you for
a neurologist.
- Crying is just another
task that goes on your to do list.
- You can spot your
loved one having a bad day, within 15 seconds, from 50 meters,
in the dark, while its raining, with your back turned.
- You often know more
about how your loved one is doing than they do.
- The first place you
look when your loved one has misplaced their shoes is the fridge.
- You've got the new,
24 hour, $19.99 a month unlimited Access to God Prayer Plan,
and they are now telling you your limit has been reached.
- Losing track of time,
the day of the week, the year and your marbles seems normal.
- Vacations are what
you take just before you fall asleep.
- You can spot an uncaring
physician from 20 feet even before they open their mouths.
- When you and your
loved one find a caring and understanding physician you first
weep uncontrollably then fall on your knees and worship.
- When you see a person
on the news who has had a blow to the head, you can instantly
recognize the signs of a TBI, while mouthing the newscaster's
statement from the doctors, "...and the doctors say it was
only a concussion and he should be as good as new..."
- Family get-togethers
are when you go on-line to be with the people who understand.
- The warning bells
go off in your head if your loved one doesn't say anything about
their TBI during the day and you anxiously ask "What's wrong?"
Well there's
another fine fine mess I've gotten myself into, and I hope you
enjoy them. But seriously these posts describe no one either living
or dead, really! <tongue in cheek>
In spite
of it all, staying involved is still the best decision.
Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.

E-mail to: waiting.com
For legal questions call toll free:
We are not medical professionals,
however we encourage your inquiries regarding both legal issues
and information on further resources. Phone and email inquiries
will be received by the staff of the Brain Injury Law Office,
including Attorney Gordon
S. Johnson, Jr.
copyright ©2002 - 2013 Attorney
Gordon S. Johnson, Jr., All rights reserved.
For more on Attorney Gordon Johnson