Anne on Social Security




"Perhaps my cheerful story will help. My father, with Power of Attorney, applied for SSDI 2 weeks into my coma. He was told (and THIS I have seen in letters from Social Security) that I could start getting it in the 5th month after injury."

I awoke 3 weeks later and went to see their doctor for approval of my claim close to 4 months post-coma-causing-injury. I walked in leaning on a quad cane. I was still in a TBI daze. I went in his office and sat down. He said, "Can you walk without the cane?"

My reply was "Dunno" as I stood up, took one step, and promptly fell on his floor. As he and his nurse picked me up, he told her I was approved. My physical disability combined with my lack of understanding of reality made me a shoe in.

Anyone who cares about the future of a coma patient should APPLY NOW! I received my check on the first of the 5th month. I have had one "review" where my general practitioner just filled out some forms. They state your prognosis in years--I think I'm due for my next one in 10 years.


Below is the link for the United States Government Page on Social Security.

Government Social Security Link

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