What resources are available online for someone who is suicidal?


Posted on 6th July 2008 by Gordon Johnson in Uncategorized

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I have devoted most of the last month to blogging about the interplay between emotional issues and brain damage, especially focused on military injuries. See http://tbilaw.blogspot.com Regardless of what the underlying cause of someone’s despair, it is critical that he or she reaches out for help. I asked my research assistant this question: What resources are available online for someone who is suicidal?

Here is what she put together for me:

The internet and 1-800 free hotlines seem to be quick and helpful sources of information for someone who has suicidal thoughts.

Since, there are so many websites, it is impossible to list them all. Here are some good starting points for help.


This website was written by Martha Ainsworth who based her information and inspiration from David Conroy, Ph. D. David Conroy is the Executive Director of Suicide Prevention Resource and author of a Suicide Prevention book, Out of the Nightmare: Recovery from Depression and Suicidal Pain.

The website features “The Samaritans” (http://www.metanoia.org/suicide/samaritans.htm) who are trained volunteers available 24 hours a day to listen by email or phone. A Samaritan volunteer can be reached by email at: jo@samaritans.org or by phone at: 1-800-365-4044 and additional numbers can be found at: http://www.befrienders.org/, which is an organization affiliated with The Samaritans.

The site also suggests that someone having suicidal thoughts could talk to a therapist online. Therapist online can answer your email questions and provide online counseling. All of the online therapists listed provide online counseling for a fee, however, The Samaritan remains free. The website for this information is: http://www.metanoia.org/imhs/clinics.htm

There is also information about a Depression support group, Walkers in Darkness, who provide support and information for others who our suffering from depression.

The website for this information is: http://www.walkers.org/

Lastly, if you have the time and patience you can also find a therapist who can help you work through your suicidal problems. http://www.find-a-therapist.com/ For information on how to pick the best therapist for you see:


It is important that someone who has suicidal thoughts talk to someone and does not keep the thoughts to themselves. There is plenty of helpful information out there and many people that want to help.

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