Why did I Fall?


Posted on 9th August 2010 by Gordon Johnson in Uncategorized

From a reader:


I have read and enjoyed greatly the work on your website.

After suffering a TBI last year, I spent 5 months in a coma and the rest of the year in Addenbrookes hospital.

I have had a long and painful journey of recovery and still attend the hospital twice  a week now.

I have always loved poetry and now I really feel as though I have got something to share.

I don’t expect you will want my work for your site, but wonder if you know of any online groups where I can share my poems?

I attach one for you.

Many Thanks,


Scott Crawford

Market Manager – Parts and Accessories

Indesit Company UK Ltd

Morley Way, Peterborough, PE2 9JB

Mob. +44 (0) 7801 724315

E-mail: scott.crawford@indesit.com

Mob. +44 (0) 7801 724315

E-mail: scott.crawford@indesit.com



Why did I fall?


Why did I fall down the stairs that night?

Why did I never see heaven or a light?

Why did this have to happen at all to me?

Why could’nt fate lust leave me be?


After all the treatment and rehab and stuff

Why do I fell lucky and happy and tough?

How have I found peace in this hell of a mess?

Why do I fell lighter and suffer less stress?


I think I fell from more than the stairs that night.

I think I fell from blindness and now have sight.

I worry not about the stuff I left behind.

I worry not because I can be good and kind.


So despite of all the agony and pain I feel.

I savour every moment, for my life is real.

I long to find a friend that really understands.

I’d love to stop and talk a while, but I have plans…

Scott Crawford

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