About Brain Injury

A Glossary of Terms


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Intracranial Pressure

Understanding Coma

Rancho Los Amigos Scale/ The Levels of Coma

Objectives of Neurosurgery

A Guide to Brain Anatomy

Kinesthesia - The sensory awareness of body parts as they move (see Position Sense and Proprioception) [Click Here To Return To List]

Lability - State of having notable shifts in emotional state (e.g. uncontrolled laughing or crying). [Click Here To Return To List]

Laceration - A ragged tear of body tissues. [Click Here To Return To List]

Language - The system used to communicate thoughts through symbols. [Click Here To Return To List]

Latency of Response/Delay - The amount of time taken to respond after the stimulus has been presented. [Click Here To Return To List]

Learning - See Memory/Learning. [Click Here To Return To List]

Leg Bag - A small, thick plastic bag that can be tied to the leg and collects urine. It is connected by tubing to a catheter inserted into the urinary bladder. [Click Here To Return To List]

Leisure Counseling - The exploration of what types of leisure/recreation were of interest to a person before the injury and which are of interest now; how to make the best of leisure time, what recreational resources are available in the community and how to take advantage of them; and what changes have to be made to continue previous leisure pursuits. [Click Here To Return To List]

Leisure Skills - The ability to participate in recreational activities and to independently make effective use of one's leisure time and opportunities. [Click Here To Return To List]

Lethargic - Awakens with stimulation; drowsy but awake. [Click Here To Return To List]

Lifelong Living Program - See Discharge:Options for Rehabilitation Facilities. [Click Here To Return To List]

Linguistics - The study of human speech, including the units, nature, structure and modification of language. [Click Here To Return To List]

Locked-in Syndrome - A condition resulting from interruption of motor pathways in the ventral pons, usually by infarction. This disconnection of the motor cells in the lower brain stem and spinal cord from controlling signals issued by the brain leaves the patient completely paralyzed and mute, but able to receive and understand sensory stimuli; communication may be possible by code using blinking, or movements of the jaw or eyes, which can be spared. [Click Here To Return To List]

Log Book - A diary-like listing of the individual's daily activities which can be used to help remember what happened during the course of the day, names or persons with whom contact occurred, and the order in which events occurred. The brain-injured person, family members and staff are encouraged to make entries. Used to compensate for memory deficits. [Click Here To Return To List]

Logical Ability - Ability to formulate a general rule or principle which one can use to objectively solve a problem. Also the ability to plan, regulate and control one's own activities. [Click Here To Return To List]

Lucid Interval - A period shortly after injury when the patient was reported to have talked. [Click Here To Return To List]




Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.

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