This is a Forum for family members, friends and significant others of someone who has suffered a brain injury.

It features: advice, anecdotes, stories, poetry, recommendations, and wisdom from those who share the bond of hope and survival.


Words from Others

A Directory of Offerings by caregivers, and former caregivers.


Small thoughts on life, hope, survival and care.

I made the committment. I plan to stick by it...

Chari speaks about commitment and its rewards.


A poem about commitment for his fiancee by Bill.


A poem by Nanette J. Francis for her younger sister

Return to The Bridge From Despair

If you have something you would like to contribute to this section,

e-mail to:



Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.

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For legal questions call toll free: 1-800-992-9447

We are not medical professionals, however we encourage your inquiries regarding both legal issues and information on futher resources. Phone and email inquiries will be received by the staff of the Brain Injury Law Office, including Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.

copyright ©2002 - 2013 Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr., All rights reserved.

For more on Attorney Gordon Johnson